Simplifies take down of bushing less barrel 1911s having a single spring round wire full length guide rod recoil system.
This tool eliminates the need for a wire tool or paper clip for disassembly and reassembly.
Simple enough for the first time 1911 owner and versatile enough for the 1911 enthusiast and professional.
Instead of a custom fit tool for every make bull barrel 1911 that uses a single spring round wire full length guide rod recoil system, only one tool is needed for them all.
Each 1911 manufacture's full length guide rods differ slightly from one another.
Most notably guide rod diameters range from 0.315" to 0.330" depending on the manufacture.
The UPT-RW will work on full length guide rod diameters as small as 0.312" and as large as 0.333" to allow for manufacture tolerances and barrel lengths from 3.5 inches to 5 inches in length.
Simply lock back the slide, slip the tool completely onto the guide rod.
- Release the slide under control.
- If needed, align the take down notch by moving the slide forward.
- Remove the slide stop.
- After reassembly, simply lock back the slide and slip the tool off the guide rod.